Sketchy Live! is a dynamic and entertaining live sketching show hosted by the talented artist, Johnny Jalopy, and his wife Ity-B. The show is available for viewing on both YouTube and Facebook, providing a platform for Johnny to showcase his incredible talent for sketching. With each episode, viewers can expect to see Johnny sketch a variety of designs, from hot rods to monsters and otherworldly vehicles, all inspired by his favorite movies, TV shows, kustom kulture, and Ed Roth. With a unique and captivating style, Johnny creates sketches that are unlike anything else, making Sketchy Live! a must-see for anyone who loves art, automotive culture, and creativity. Whether you're a long-time fan or just discovering Sketchy Live! for the first time, you can view each episode on YouTube and enjoy the dynamic sketches created by Johnny Jalopy. Don't miss the chance to grab your favorite print today and bring a touch of Sketchy Live! into your own home.
05EP01 | Aired On: 01-03-2022
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05EP31 | Aired On: 09-05-2022
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05EP41 | Aired On: 11-28-2022
05EP42 | Aired On: 12-05-2022
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05EP44 | Aired On: 12-20-2022